About Me

You walk into a small room. To your right is a wall of bookshelves full of classic, new, and unfinished novels. To your left is a desk with a container of nail polish, a mug of pens, and whiteboards on the wall. In front of you is a bright window with potted vines and succulents on the sill. And below it, tucked into the corner by the bookshelf, is a small side table and a big, snug chair. That is my little corner. <3

Hey! I’m Kiersten, and welcome to Little Corner Hobbies! I’m twenty-years-old, a full-time college student, a residence halls Resident Assistant, a writer, and way too busy to be running a blog, but I’m here to do it anyways!

When I first had the idea of making a blog, I knew I wanted it to be focused on what I love doing. I just didn’t know what I wanted it to be called, until I came across someone else’s blog, which they called their little corner of the internet, and just like that, I fell in love, and Little Corner Hobbies was born!

So, what is Little Corner Hobbies? Basically, it’s a place for me to display and talk about my hobbies, from my freshly-painted nails to my plants to embroidery projects I’m working on. It’s my private little social media. Lots of pictures, hopefully. And it’s fun to have a site. It’s in my blood to have a site. I couldn’t pass on the opportunity.

So, please, take a look around, leave a comment, learn something new, get inspired, and create. <3


Let all that you do be done with love. 1 Corinthians 16:14

And whatever you do in word or deed, do all in the name of Yeshua the Messiah, giving thanks to God the Father through Him. Colossians 3:17